Becoming a Photographer

Photographer holding a Canon camera with sunglasses

I had no intention of becoming a photographer. I studied Architecture, Design Tech and English Lit in college and went onto Interior Design & Technology in Uni. English lit bored the heck out of me. I was walking past the photography department and saw all the students walking around, collaborating, in and out of the dark room with a look of purpose. The same day i dropped English Lit and signed up for Photography.

Finding your style in college is hard. I don’t think we should be taught to find our style like it is a book lost somewhere on the book shelf. Our experiences and interactions with people & our environment shape our work. We are forever changing and evolving - so does our work.

I started with street photography. I took candid shots of people and spaces. I was always drawn to people. Their faces tell stories. I dabbled a lot in food photography - even started a food blog! I started dabbling more in Interior photography, especially during the uni years.

Then life happened, I had a few part time jobs here and there. I was never happy working in retail - or for any company really! I took a few odd photography jobs for small weddings and head shots. Nothing really took off.

I started my own product based company in 2018 while I was pregnant with my daughter Ava. I out sourced the photography because I didn’t have time or space to do it myself. I then decided to pick up the camera again to do my own product photography. Flat lay photography is a lot different to candids! It was a challenge relearning everything and learning new things but I am so glad I picked up the camera again.

I met so many amazing creatives though my product based business many of which are now clients. I now work remotely in London with creative brands, Independents and brick and mortar stores. I get to capture the essence of their business and the faces behind it.

Thanks for reading this far and if you need a London based product, brand photographer then drop me a message. I’d love to have a chat x


People, Product, Spaces